Saturday, August 12, 2006

First post

The immediate reason I started this blog was so that I could leave a post on a friends' blog. It was as good a time as any to begin a blog that I had thought about starting for some time. Basic concept is to document my adventures working on houses.

These days I work mostly just on my own home.

A couple years back I was self-employed as a handyman for a time. Among other things, I learned not to take the steady paycheck provided by a 9-to-5 employer for granted if you have one.

I also learned that the skin on my hands was growing increasingly sensitive to exposure to various construction materials, particularly ones containing potassium dichromate.

I am now steadily employed in a 9-to-5 office job again. Staying skinny is more of a challenge now. While now I am a mild-mannered logistics analyst five days per week, on my evenings and weekends I still put on gloves and safety glasses and get into some home-maintenance adventures.